Burmese Kaleidoscope

Here’s my latest book, a co-operation between by my friend Harry Hpone Thant and me. As mentioned in the blurb, it deals with the period between independence in 1948 and the popular uprising in 1988. Following, pls find an excerpt from the index:

Before Rangoon became Yangon – about Harry’s youth in post-war Yangon

August 20th, 1977 – about my first trip to Burma

Black Market stories – when the Black Market ruled Burma’s economy

Cars, gasoline, and the Black Market – a car owner’s worries …

Burmese dream jobs – when sailors ruled the marriage market

From Boy Scouts to Komsomol – about Burmese youth organizations     

Hitler and the Burmese – about a historical misunderstanding

In the clutches of Burma’s bureaucracy – extending a visa at Kyauktatyone

In the skies over Burma – about flying and airports

Money matters – when demonetizations scared the people

Movie Bug – going to the movies in the 50s and 70s

On the Road to Socialism – Life in Socialist Burma

The Rangoon Turf Club – when horse racing ruled supreme in Rangoon

Train Rides in Burma – adventures on rails






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